56 research outputs found

    Governance of Diversity Between Social Dynamics and Conflicts in Multicultural Cities. A Selected Survey on Historical Bibliography

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    This paper is an excursus on multiculturalism from a historical perspective. It ranges from the encounters of different cultures in ancient times, through the Middle Ages, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation period up to the present times. It describes the peculiarity of the solutions adopted, juridical or social, formal or informal. Although it is difficult to classify the various attitudes towards foreigners, a decisive distinction should be made between modern history and previous times. Until the 19th century the number of migrants was significant in a historical perspective, but limited in absolute terms. May this fact have helped the hosting institutions to encourage a favourable policy towards foreign settlements? Another distinction must be made between high qualified migration and humble and unskilled workers. Cities’ histories are full of discriminatory measures towards local immigrants from villages who swelled the ranks of urban outcasts. Finally, it seems clear that the category of multiculturalism, as a premise for the successful integration of foreigners can only be applied with precautions to historical examples. The challenge of the clash of cultures was tackled differently in past societies, without necessarily meaning that those societies were racist or xenophobic. Successful examples of integration and development with the contribution of diversity in the past could involve exclusion and discrimination apparently unacceptable nowadays.Social dynamics, Conflicts, Multicultural cities, Diversities

    Agronomi o agrimensori?

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    La influencia del mercado sobre la legislación forestal italiana (siglos XVIII y XIX)

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    Durante los siglos XVIII y XIX se puso de manilieslo en Italia una atención particular por la problemática relativa a la protección del patrimonio forestal, de manera que todos los estados italianos se dotaron de una legislación al respecto. Las leyes promulgadas fueron muy distintas, unas excesivamente severas y otras, en cambio, muy permisivas; encontrándose entre las diferencias más relevantes elementos significativos comunes. El elemento común en esta singular experrencia legislativa fue la importancia dada a la demanda sobre la comercialización de la madera Las presiones en este sentido partieron del mercado urbano, contribuyendo a atribuirle a este recurso natural un valor especifico: Si hasta entonces los bosques eran de una actividad muy diversa, a partir del siglo XVIII esta pluralidad comenzó a ser controlada por la productividad de la madera de los bosques. Los legisladores fueron especialmente sensibles a las inquietudes procedentes directa e indirectamente del mercado de la madera y con su política favorecieron una interpretación determinada de los valores de los recursos forestales, en conflicto con todos aquellos usos comunes ampliamente practicados en los espacios forestales: tendencia continuada en las leyes promulgadas al respecto tras la unidad de Italia (1877-1910-1923).From the end of 18th century and the early 19th century, Italian regional governments placed great emphasis on defending woodlands. During that period, a large number of forestry acts were promulgated all over Italy. Any difference between them was surely less important than the similarities. The legislators were really attentive to issues raised, directly or indirectly, by the markets and they used their policy to try to support the exploitation of forest resources in conflict with common uses: a line also attested by the ensuing legislation of the Italian State (1877-1910-1923)

    Salvare gli insediamenti dallo spopolamento attraverso i progetti. Una possibile prospettiva storica

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    Introduction to session 2.4, Imagine a Different Future. Strategies for the Re-launch of Abandoned Small TownsIntroduzione alla sessione 2.4, Immaginare un futuro diverso. Strategie per il rilanci

    Simulating the Impact on the Local Economy of Alternative Management Scenarios for Natural Areas

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    Detecting Starting Point Bias in Dichotomous-Choice Contingent Valuation Surveys

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    Cartel Stability under an Optimal Sharing Rule

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    Dissipation of Knowledge and the Boundaries of the Multinational Enterprise

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    What are the Effects of Contamination Risks on Commercial and Industrial Properties? Evidence from Baltimore, Maryland

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    Bargaining with Non-Monolithic Players

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